You get your car tuned up…

You get the latest phone release…

Isn’t time to give yourself an upgrade?

Many of my coaching clients are business professionals (small business owners, corporate leaders, and senior managers or independent professionals) in their 30’3, 40’s, and 50’s that have had success in their lives already and now …

  • want help identifying and dealing with some performance limiting beliefs
  • feel they’ve lost some momentum in their career or life and want to get it back
  • want to pursue their purpose, passion, or life’s dream
  • are looking to make a change to pursue their passion or life’s dream
  • are ready for something new, something different, or are in a career/life transition
  • need help identifying, developing, and leveraging their strengths

Intuitively they know they need to make a change but you don’t want to waste time on activities that aren’t going to give them significant returns.

This is why just “any” kind of coaching won’t work. You need something extraordinary.  

That’s where IronCode Coaching comes in.

Awesome Coach & Mentor!

“I have had the wonderful experience of working with IronCode Business Coach, Richard Greene. Rich has a unique ability to serve as an executive business coach supporting me as I develop goals and practical strategies to accomplish them. Rich also has a keen sense of stepping outside the coaching lane and providing a mentoring perspective. His intensive one-year program can enhance anyone’s talents while strengthening their professional development.”

Andrew Smith, Esq.

Mediator, and Conflict Coach

What is IronCode Coaching?

IronCode Coaching incorporates the best practices, techniques, and skills in business and combines it with the power, tenacity, and fortitude of the athlete that participates in extreme sports. This isn’t standard business coaching. With IronCode Coaching, you achieve results and success that is unstoppable!

Picture in your mind two identically talented athletes at the beginning of a sports season.

One has a coach.

The other thinks they can go it on their own.

Which of these athletes do you believe …

  • Recovers more quickly and effectively from a bad performance?
  • Learns more from a bad, in fact, every performance?
  • Develops more effectively during practices?
  • Learns their talents and strengths more quickly and effectively?
  • Creates a strategy to leverage their strengths to their advantage?
  • Achieves more during the season?

The answer is the one that has the coach! 

Having an IronCoach isn’t cheating, it’s smart!

While in sports we have to decide not to have a coach, in life we have to decide to have a coach. The benefits of IronCode Coaching are the same. What do you think you could achieve if you had IronCode Coaching?

STEP 1: Intake and Analysis
You and your coach do a deep dive into your personal situation.

STEP 2: Develop a Personal Strategic Plan
Your coach will help you develop a plan with the aim of fast results.

STEP 3: Execute, Measure, Adjust
Here's where the rubber meets the road. Execution, measurement of progress, and adjustments where necessary.

STEP 4: Enjoy Your Success
You accomplished your objectives! Too many people don't take the time to relish their successes. We do.

Would you like to experience the difference coaching can make for you?

Schedule a COMPLIMENTARY 45-minute Strategic Coaching.

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